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  1. Hyung Jun Park, Nam Ho Kim, and Joo-Ho Choi. A Robust Health Prediction Using Bayesian Approach Guided by Physical Constraints. Reliability Engineering & System Safety (2024).

  2. Dongwoo Lee, Hyung Jun Park, Dongmin Lee, Sangchul Lee and Joo-Ho Choi, A Novel Kalman Filter-based Prognostics Framework for Performance Degradation of Quadcopter Motors, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol.73 (2023).

  3. Feifan Xiang, Yiming Zhang, Shuyou Zhang, Zili Wang, Lemiao Qiu, Joo-Ho Choi, Bayesian gated-transformer model for risk-aware prediction of aero-engine remaining useful life, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 238(B) (2024).

  4. Changhee Kim, KH Park, JH Lee, Joo-Ho Choi, "Health Index Construction for Crack Fault Diagnosis of Rotating Shaft by Full-Scale Experiments." ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, A Vol. 10.1 (2024).

  5. Jinwoo Sim, Seokgoo Kim, Seok Woo Lee, Jinhong Min, Joo-Ho Choi. “Construction of Bearing Health Indicator under Time-Varying Operating Conditions based on Isolation Forest,” Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence V.126 (2023): 107058.

  6. Inu Lee, Hyung-Jun Park, Jae-Won Jang, Chang-Woo Kim, Joo-Ho Choi, “System-level fault diagnosis for industrial wafer transfer robot with multi-component failure modes,” Applied Sciences 13 (18), 10243 (2023).

  7. Min Young Yoo, Jung Heon Lee, Joo-Ho Choi, Jae Sung Huh, Woosuk Sung, "State-of-Charge Estimation of Batteries for Hybrid Urban Air Mobility." Aerospace 10.6 (2023): 550.

  8. Hyung Jun Park, Seokgoo Kim, Junyoung Lee, Nam Ho Kim, Joo-Ho Choi. "System-level Prognostics Approach for Failure Prediction of Reaction Wheel Motor in Satellites." Advances in Space Research 71(6) (2022) 2691-2701.

  9. Salman Khalid, Hee-Seong Kim, Heung Soo Kim, Joo-Ho Choi. "Inspection Interval Optimization for Aircraft Composite Tail Wing Structure Using Numerical-Analysis-Based Approach." Mathematics 10.20 (2022): 3836.

  10. Hyung Jun Park, Nam Ho Kim, and Joo-Ho Choi. "A Trade-Off Analysis between Sensor Quality and Data Intervals for Prognostics Performance." Sensors 22.19 (2022): 7220.

  11. Seokgoo Kim, Joo-Ho Choi, and Nam H. Kim. "Data-driven prognostics with low-fidelity physical information for digital twin: physics-informed neural network." Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 65.9 (2022): 1-16.

  12. Seokgoo Kim, Seong Hee Cho, Haeyong Ryu, and Joo-Ho Choi. “A Novel Health Indicator for a Linear Motion Guide Based on the Frequency Energy Tracking Method,” Measurement 199 (2022): 111544.

  13. Jinwoo Sim, Jinhong Min, Doyeon Kim, Seong Hee Cho, Seokgoo Kim, and Joo-Ho Choi. “A Python based Tutorial on Prognostics and Health Management using Vibration Signal: Signal Processing, Feature Extraction and Feature Selection,” Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 36.8 (2022): 4083-4097.

  14. Seokgoo Kim, Joo-Ho Choi, and Nam H. Kim. "Inspection Schedule for Prognostics with Uncertainty Management." Reliability Engineering & System Safety (2022): 108391.

  15. Seokgoo Kim; Hyung Jun Park; Yun-Ho Seo; Joo-Ho Choi, "A Robust Health Indicator for Rotating Machinery under Time-Varying Operating Conditions." IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 4993-5001 (2022).

  16. Seokgoo Kim, Nam Ho Kim, and Joo-Ho Choi. "A Study towards Appropriate Architecture of System-level Prognostics: Physics-based and Data-driven approaches." IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 157960-157972 (2021).

  17. Seokgoo Kim, Joo-Ho Choi, and Nam H. Kim. "Challenges and Opportunities of System-Level Prognostics." Sensors 21.22 (2021): 7655.

  18. Hyung Jun Park, Seokgoo Kim, Seok-Youn Han, Seokju Ham, Kee Jun Park & Joo-Ho Choi. "Machine Health Assessment Based on an Anomaly Indicator Using a Generative Adversarial Network." International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing (2021): 1-12.

  19. Jaewoong Park, Seokgoo Kim, Joo-Ho Choi, Seung Hwan Lee, Frequency energy shift method for bearing fault prognosis using microphone sensor, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 147 (2021): 107068.

  20. Seong Hee Cho, Seokgoo Kim, and Joo-Ho Choi. "Transfer Learning-Based Fault Diagnosis under Data Deficiency." Applied Sciences 10.21 (2020): 7768.

  21. Seokgoo Kim, Dawn An, and Joo-Ho Choi. "Diagnostics 101: A Tutorial for Fault Diagnostics of Rolling Element Bearing Using Envelope Analysis in MATLAB." Applied Sciences 10.20 (2020): 7302.

  22. Sung Jin Kim, and Joo-Ho Choi. "Comparative Study for Inspection Planning of Aircraft Structural Components." International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences (2020): 1-10.

  23. Jinwoo Sim, Seokgoo Kim, Hyung Jun Park and Joo-Ho Choi, "A Tutorial for Feature Engineering in the Prognostics and Health Management of Gears and Bearings," Applied Sciences 10.16 (2020): 5639.

  24. Seokgoo Kim, Nam Ho Kim, and Joo-Ho Choi, "Information Value-Based Fault Diagnosis of Train Door System under Multiple Operating Conditions," Sensors 20.14 (2020): 3952.

  25. Seokgoo Kim, Hyung Jun Park, Daeil Kwon, Joo-Ho Choi, A novel prognostics approach using shifting kernel particle filter of li-ion batteries under state changes, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 68.4 (2020): 3485-3493.

  26. Sung Jin Kim, Hee-Seong Kim, Joo-Ho Choi, Modified Reliability Centered Maintenance Analysis considering Probability of Detection, Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, 17.5 (2020): 240-247.

  27. Chaeyoung Lim, Seokgoo Kim, Yun-Ho Seo, Joo-Ho Choi, Feature Extraction for Bearing Prognostics using Weighted Correlation of Fault Frequencies over Cycles, Structural Health Monitoring, (2020): 1475921719900917.

  28. Seokgoo Kim, Nam H. Kim, Joo Ho Choi, “Prediction of Remaining Useful Life by Data Augmentation Technique based on Dynamic Time Warping,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 136 (2020): 106486.

  29. S Ham, SY Han, S Kim, HJ Park, KJ Park, JH Choi, A Comparative Study of Fault Diagnosis for Train Door System: Traditional versus Deep Learning Approaches, Sensors 19.23 (2019): 5160.

  30. Yuri Yun, Junyong Lee, Hwa‑suk Oh, Joo Ho Choi, "Remaining useful life prediction of reaction wheel motor in satellites." JMST Advances (2019): 1-8.

  31. Seokgoo Kim, Joo Ho Choi, “Convolutional Neural Network for Gear Fault Diagnosis based on Signal Segmentation Approach,” Structural Health Monitoring 18(5-6) (2019): 1401–1415.

  32. Insun Shin, Junmin Lee, Jun Young Lee, Kyusung Jung, Daeil Kwon, Byeng D. Youn, Hyun Soo Jang, Joo-Ho Choi, "A Framework for Prognostics and Health Management Applications toward Smart Manufacturing Systems." International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology 5.4 (2018): 535-554.

  33. Dawn An, Joo-Ho Choi, Nam H. Kim. “Prediction of Remaining Useful Life Using Accelerated Life Testing Data Under Different Conditions,” Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 32.6 (2018): 2497-2507.

  34. Sungho Park, Seokgoo Kim, Joo Ho Choi, “Gear fault diagnosis using transmission error and ensemble empirical mode decomposition,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 108 (2018): 262-275.

  35. Dawn An, Joo-Ho Choi, Nam H. Kim. “Remaining useful life prediction of rolling element bearings using degradation feature based on amplitude decrease at specific frequencies,” Structural Health Monitoring 17.5 (2018): 1095-1109.

  36. KH Moon, JH Gang, DS Kim, JK Kim, JH Choi. “A Probabilistic based Systems Approach to Reliability Prediction of Solid Rocket Motors,” International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 17.4 (2016): 565-578.

  37. HS Kim, SG Jang, NH Kim, JH Choi. Statistical Calibration and Validation of Elasto-Plastic Insertion Analysis. Structural & Multidisciplinary Optimization, 54.6 (2016): 1573-1585.

  38. J Park, JM Ha, H Oh, BD Youn, JH Choi, NH Kim. Model-Based Fault Diagnosis of a Planetary Gear: A Novel Approach Using Transmission Error, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 65.4 (2016): 1830-1841.

  39. C Park, JH Choi, RT Haftka. "Teaching a Verification and Validation Course Using Simulations and Experiments with Paper Helicopters." Journal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification 1.3 (2016): 031002.

  40. W Sung, DS Hwang, J Nam, JH Choi, J Lee. "Robust and Efficient Capacity Estimation Using Data-Driven Metamodel Applicable to Battery Management System of Electric Vehicles." Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 163 (6) A981-A991 (2016).

  41. HJ Kim, SH Lee, YC Kong, SP Jang, JH Choi, J Koo. "Long-term reliability of the thermal performance of a flat-plate heat pipe using a prognostics method." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 82 (2015): 369-372.

  42. SJ Lee, G Zi, S Mun, JS Kong, JH Choi. "Probabilistic prognosis of fatigue crack growth for asphalt concretes." Engineering Fracture Mechanics 141, (2015), 212–229.

  43. D An, NH Kim, JH Choi. "Practical options for selecting data-driven or physics-based prognostics algorithms with reviews." Reliability Engineering & System Safety 133 (2015): 223-236.

  44. D An, NH Kim, JH Choi. "Statistical aspects in neural network for the purpose of prognostics." Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 29.4 (2015): 1369-1375.

  45. J Lee, W Sung, JH Choi. "Metamodel for Efficient Estimation of Capacity-Fade Uncertainty in Li-Ion Batteries for Electric Vehicles." Energies 8.6 (2015): 5538-5554.

  46. SH Park, JH Choi, Probabilistic Analysis of Rattle Occurrence in the Gap of Automotive Interior Parts, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 28(10) 3991~3996, 2014.

  47. Kyungmok Kim, Jaewook Lee, Joo-Ho Choi, Development of a Fatigue Model for Low Alloy Steels Using a Cycle-Dependent Cohesive Zone Law, Article ID 124037, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2014.

  48. D An, JH Choi, NH Kim, Prognostics 101: A tutorial for particle filter-based prognostics algorithm using Matlab, Reliability Engineering and System Safety 115, 161-169, 2013.

  49. Dawn An, Joo-Ho Choi, Improved MCMC method for parameter estimation based on marginal probability density function, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 27(6), 1771-1779, 2013.

  50. Dawn An, Joo-Ho Choi, Efficient Reliability Analysis based on Bayesian Framework under Input Variable and Metamodel Uncertainties, Structural & Multidisciplinary Optimization, 46(4), 533-547, 2012.

  51. Jinhyuk Gang, Dawn An, Jinwon Joo, Joo-Ho Choi, Uncertainty Analysis of Solder Alloy Material Parameters Estimation based on Model Calibration Method, Microelectronics Reliability, 52,1128–1137, 2012.

  52. Sangho Ko, Joo Ho Choi, and Sangchul Lee, Reliable Damage Prognosis for Structures Using the LSCR Approach, AIAA Journal of Aircraft 49(1), 323-328, 2012.

  53. Dawn An, Joo-Ho Choi, and Nam H. Kim, Identification of Correlated Damage Parameters under Noise and Bias Using Bayesian Inference, Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), 11(3),292-302, 2012.

  54. Dawn An, Joo-Ho Choi, Tony Schmitz and Nam H. Kim, In-situ monitoring and prediction of progressive joint wear using Bayesian statistics, Wear 270(11-12), 828-838, 2011.

  55. Dawn An, Joo-Ho Choi, Nam H. Kim and Sriram Pattabhiraman, Fatigue Life Prediction Based on Bayesian Approach to Incorporate Field Data into Probability Model, Structural Engineering and Mechanics 37(4), 427-442, 2011.

  56. Tae-Gyu Park, Chang-Hyun Choi, Jun-Ho Won, Joo-Ho Choi, An Efficient Method for Fatigue Reliability Analysis Accounting for Scatter of Fatigue Test Data, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing 11(3), 429-437, 2010.

  57. Jooho Choi, Dawn An, Junho Won, Bayesian Approach for Structural Reliability Analysis and Optimization Using the Kriging Dimension Reduction Method, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design 132(5), 051003, 2010.

  58. Yeong K. Kim, In Soo Park, Jooho Choi, Warpage mechanism analyses of strip panel type PBGA chip package, Microelectronics Reliability 50(3), 398-406, 2010.

  59. Junho Won, Changhyun Choi, Jooho Choi, Improved dimension reduction method (DRM) in uncertainty analysis using kriging interpolation, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 23(5), 1249-1260, 2009.

  60. J. H. Choi, W. H. Lee, J. J. Park, B. D. Youn, A study on robust design optimization of layered plate bonding process considering uncertainties, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 35(6), 531-541, 2008.

  61. Jin-Young Kim, Joo-Ho Choi, Jin-Won Joo, A study on robust optimization of layered plates bonding process based on inverse analysis, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 201(1-3), 261-266, 2008.

  62. Joo Ho Choi, Shape design sensitivity analysis for stability of elastic continuum structures, International Journal of Solids and Structures 44(5), 1593-1607, 2007.

  63. Joo Ho Choi, H. G. Kwak, R. B. Grandhi, Boundary Method for Shape Design Sensitivity Analysis in Solving Free-Surface Flow Problems, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 19(12), 2231-2244, 2005.

  64. J.H. Choi, R.C. Penmetsa and R.V. Grandhi, Shape Optimization of the Cavitator for a Supercavitating Torpedo, Structural & Multidisciplinary Optimization 29(2), 159-167, 2005.

  65. Joo-Ho Choi, Duk-Sik Ha, Jun-Bum Kim, Ramana V.Grandhi, Inverse Design of Glass Forming Process Simulation using An Optimization Technique and Distributed Computing, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 148(3), 342-352, 2004.

  66. Joo Ho Choi, Shape Design Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization of General Plane arch structures, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 39(2), 119-136, 2002.

  67. Joo Ho Choi, Configuration Design Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization of Beam Structures, Computational Mechanics 29(2), 129-142, 2002.

  68. Joo Ho Choi, Boo Youn Lee, Jung Suk Han, Boundary Integral Method for Shape Optimization of Interface Problems and Its Application to Implant Design in Dentistry, Computer Methods in Appl. Mech. & Engrg.  190(51-52), 6909-6926, 2001.

  69. Joo Ho Choi, Boo Youn Lee, Jung Suk Han, Shape Design Sensitivity Analysis for Interface Problem in Axisymmetric Elasticity, KSME Journal 14(2), 197-206, 2000.

  70. Boo Youn Lee, Joo-Ho Choi, Byung Man Kwak, Shape Optimization of Two-dimensional Thermal Conducting Solid using Boundary Integral Equation Formulation, KSME Journal 6(2), 114-121, 1992.

  71. Joo-Ho Choi, Byung Man Kwak, A Unified Approach for Adjoint and Direct Method in Shape Design Sensitivity Analysis Using Boundary Integral Formulation, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 7(1), 39-45, 1990.

  72. J. H. Choi, K. K. Choi, Direct Differentiation Method for Shape Design Sensitivity Analysis using Boundary Integral Formulation, Computers and Structures 34(3), 499-508, 1990.

  73. Joo-Ho Choi, Byung Man Kwak, A Boundary Integral Equation Formulation in Derivative Unknowns for Two-Dimensional Potential Problems, J. of Applied Mechanics 56(3), 617-623, 1989.

  74. Joo-Ho Choi, Byung Man Kwak, Boundary Integral Equation Method for Shape Optimization of Elastic Structures, Inter. J. for Numerical Methods in Engineering 26(7), 1579-1595, 1988.

  75. Joo-Ho Choi, Byung Man Kwak, Shape Design Sensitivity Analysis of Elliptic Problems in Boundary Intefral Equation Formulation, Mechanics and Structures and Machines 16(2), 147-165, 1988.

  76. Joo-Ho Choi, Byung Man Kwak, Shape Design Sensitivity Analysis Based on Boundary Integral Equation Method Considering General Shape Variations Part Ⅱ: for Potential, Elasticity and Plate Bending Problems, KSME Journal 1(2), 128-132, 1987.

  77. Byung Man Kwak, Joo-Ho Choi, Shape Design Sensitivity Analysis Based on Boundary Integral Equation Method Considering General Shape Variations Part Ⅰ: for Elliptic Operator Problems, KSME Journal 1(1), 70-73, 1987.


(10540) School of Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering, Korea Aerospace University 76, Hwajon-dong, Deogyang-gu, Goyang-city, Gyeonggi-do, 10540, Korea

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